Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Hardcover of Meta Given Biography on E-Bay

Meta Given Biography

Author, Journalist, Editor,
Home Economist, Photographer,
Consultant, Syndicated Columnist,
Teacher, Scientist

Get your copy today $45 with a copy of her book "Modern Family Cook Book" written in 1942 
The biography is Signed by the Author!

Hardcover only 125 were printed!

This is a new biography about Meta Given
Written by Danette Mondou.  The author has signed your original limited first edition. Only 125 copies were printed.  Please send an e-mail if you want more information regarding this item.

Meta Given wrote:
 "Modern Family" (1942) 
 "Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking" (1947).

She also wrote thousands of newspaper articles.  This book gives details about her life, information about her cookbooks as well as her life and times from 1888 - 1981.

Don't miss this especially important new biography about a woman forgotten in history.  That would be like no one interested in Julia Child today or forgetting about Rachel Ray - we need more people to write about women who made a significant importance in our lives - like Meta Given.  You will learn her middle name, newspapers she wrote for and so much more information.

Do you know where Meta Given was born, where she lived, or worked?

These are all answered in the book.  Meta Given made a difference to the Greatest Generation who won a war and produced the Baby Boomers.  Without Meta Given's important cookbooks, we would not have been as healthy as we were through the 1940's-1970's.  Think about how healthy we would be if we went back to the basics and how much richer we would be if we listened to Meta Given's wise counsel about the economics of eating healthy.

You can read all about it in this especially important biography.  With only 125 hard copies of this book, you will have an unbelievably valuable book.  There will never be any more hardcovers.  Sure, you can get the paperbacks on Amazon and Kindle. But this is a piece of history.  This book is only one of 125 copies.  There will never be another printing.  When these are gone, they will be gone.  Currently there are only about thirty copies left. Get yours today!  Don't Delay! This is a great Gift for a loved one or even yourself! 

*******Get yours today!*******

*******Don't Delay!*******

*******Makes a great Gift!*******

Hard Boiled Eggs

HARD-BOILED EGGS 21st Century!   I usually do my hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes first I put cold water in a pan then I place the eggs in us...