Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Hardcover of Meta Given Biography on E-Bay

Meta Given Biography

Author, Journalist, Editor,
Home Economist, Photographer,
Consultant, Syndicated Columnist,
Teacher, Scientist

Get your copy today $45 with a copy of her book "Modern Family Cook Book" written in 1942 
The biography is Signed by the Author!

Hardcover only 125 were printed!

This is a new biography about Meta Given
Written by Danette Mondou.  The author has signed your original limited first edition. Only 125 copies were printed.  Please send an e-mail if you want more information regarding this item.

Meta Given wrote:
 "Modern Family" (1942) 
 "Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking" (1947).

She also wrote thousands of newspaper articles.  This book gives details about her life, information about her cookbooks as well as her life and times from 1888 - 1981.

Don't miss this especially important new biography about a woman forgotten in history.  That would be like no one interested in Julia Child today or forgetting about Rachel Ray - we need more people to write about women who made a significant importance in our lives - like Meta Given.  You will learn her middle name, newspapers she wrote for and so much more information.

Do you know where Meta Given was born, where she lived, or worked?

These are all answered in the book.  Meta Given made a difference to the Greatest Generation who won a war and produced the Baby Boomers.  Without Meta Given's important cookbooks, we would not have been as healthy as we were through the 1940's-1970's.  Think about how healthy we would be if we went back to the basics and how much richer we would be if we listened to Meta Given's wise counsel about the economics of eating healthy.

You can read all about it in this especially important biography.  With only 125 hard copies of this book, you will have an unbelievably valuable book.  There will never be any more hardcovers.  Sure, you can get the paperbacks on Amazon and Kindle. But this is a piece of history.  This book is only one of 125 copies.  There will never be another printing.  When these are gone, they will be gone.  Currently there are only about thirty copies left. Get yours today!  Don't Delay! This is a great Gift for a loved one or even yourself! 

*******Get yours today!*******

*******Don't Delay!*******

*******Makes a great Gift!*******

Friday, February 8, 2019


Love Never Too Late

I read this article today in the Hartford Courant.  Made me think of when I was single and I used to send bags of tea to my family and friends on Valentine's Day.  I believe 2/14 is a day to celebrate with our friends and family our love for them.  To let them think of us as we think of them.

Enjoy the next few days and celebrate the love you have with the people you know.  I am the hero in my story, you are the hero in your story and I love each and every one of your stories.  You are enough!

Celebrate love!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Today in herstory...

Image result for women's working group wear white

HC - Women wear white Suffrage

Hartford Courant shows a picture of many of the women who wore white to honor women's suffrage.

Also, you can go to google images and see all the women who wore white:

Google Image Wear White

Friday, February 1, 2019


Blog posts about Meta Given and her cookbooks and sales:


I am always impressed with the effort that people put toward Meta GivenMeta Given is not the most popular cookbook author - but she does stack up against the like of Fannie Farmer, Julia Childs, James Beard and Irma S. Rombauer.

Sandy's Chatter Searching for Meta Given gave me my first break in finding information about Meta Given for a biography (My Time with Meta Given) I wrote in 2018.  Sandy is an aficionado of antique cookbooks.  Meta Given was just one of may authors that Sandy wrote about over the years.


Not only blog posts, but the sales efforts that are made in the reselling of her very famous cookbooks:
Modern Family Cook Book (1942-1972)
Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking (1947-1972)

Shop In The Vintage Kitchen

Not everyone is a fan of Meta Given or even have heard of her.  Yet many people have her cookbooks upon their shelves without knowing it.  My mother told me that she asked one of her cousins before she passed if she had a Meta Given cookbook.  She claimed she had never heard of the woman.  Yet when she reviewed her cookbook, there amongst her favorite books was a two volume cookbook.  I know that several of my relatives had Meta Given cookbooks which included my mother, her sister and several of her first cousins.  With the help of my sister many of the next generation have these precious books as well.

Thanks to the internet you too can own one of these wonderful books check them out through the following websites:

Amazon.com/Meta Given

Ebay.com/Meta Given

Etsy.com/Meta Given

Abebooks.com/Meta Given

You can also find her biography on many of these sites and at your favorite books store ask for it by name: My Time with Meta Given by Danette Bishop Mondou




Leave your comments below or ask a question. 

Meta Given's official Biographer!

Sunday, January 20, 2019



Meta Given Turns 131 years old on January 25, 2019

Meta Given was a famous cookbook author & entrepreneur with a 70 year work history from
1902 - 1972!

This picture is a composite of pictures of Meta Given over the years:

Pictures from left to right:
  • 1925 Meta Given promotion picture 1924-1925
  • 1930 Meta Given promotion picture 1930s
  • 1940 Meta Given promotion picture 1940s
  • 1942 Meta Given and staff picture taken in "Meta Given's Scientific Kitchen" business for 1942 cook book "Modern Family Cookbook"
  • 1942 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Picture for syndicated column
  • 1931 Promotional picture of Meta Given doing demo of how to prepare dough for apple pie.
  • 1975 Picture taken for article written by Jane Nickerson for the Okala Star Banner in Florida.

Meta Given was born during a very cold and stormy winter in 1888.  She was the first of two children to James Henry Given and Eliza Ann (Lacy) Given.  Meta Given grew up in the Ozarks of Missouri getting a fine education at various schools in Missouri.  In 1902 she obtained her teaching certificate and began teaching grammar school.  Eventually after attending Normal School #2 out of Warrensburg Missouri she taught at a Junior school, high schools and some colleges.

While Meta Given taught she would continue to go to school and eventually to the University of Chicago where she obtained her Bachelor's of Education in Home Economics.  Meta Given graduated from University of Chicago in 1924 at the age of 36.  In 1925 she started working for the Evaporated Milk Association while she was trying to obtain her masters at the University of Chicago.  By 1927 she had abandoned her aspiration of a master at the University of Chicago.  She continue to work for the Evaporated Milk Association until 1930.

Upon leaving that job she worked for the Chicago Tribune from June of 1930 to July of 1931.  She wrote over 365 article for the Chicago Tribune.  She also was a judge for various competitions which often included readers sharing their recipes.  Meta Given was let go from her second job in as many years in 1931.  She drifted doing demonstrations and consulting work for various companies.  Eventually, in 1933, she purchased a scientific kitchen business that she named "Meta Given's Scientific Kitchens."  She managed this business with 4 or 5 employees until 1948.

During her business years, she wrote syndicated food column in many papers around the United States.  She wrote two famous cookbook "Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking" (1947) and "Modern Family Cook Book" (1942) selling around 4 million between the two books.  She also edited another cookbook sometime called: The Art of Modern Cooking and Better Meals: Recipes for Every Occasion 1936-1939 Revised and Edited by Meta Given.

#8 favorite antique cookbook by abebooks.com readers

Based on the picture above Meta Given's "Encyclopedia of Cooking" was #8 favorite antique cookbook.  Today you can find both of her books on various websites that buy and sell books including: amazon.com/meta given, ebay.com/meta given, etsey.com and abebooks.com.

In 2018, Danette Bishop Mondou completed and published Meta Given's only biography.  Meta Given was the author of Mondou's family favorite cookbook "Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking" published in 1953 15th printing one volume.  The original cookbook in 1947 was published in two volumes.  There were many publishings of both books from 1942-1972.

Mondou and her family became interested in 2011 about Meta Given.  Who was she? Was she only a cookbook author?  Through some research between 2011 and 2013, not much could be found.  Eventually through a blog called Sandy's Chatter, Mondou was able to get her first real information through this blog.  Google has a newspaper archive and books that have been uploaded to their site.  Through both of these sites Mondou was able to find some great information.  Then through further research the site newspapers.com had over 7000 articles that were either written about Meta Given or written by Meta Given in her syndicated columns.  Over the years that number has risen to over 10,000 articles.

These articles filled in the majority of Meta Given's life from 1902 until present.  Mondou was able to find all of her work history from 1902 through 1972.   Mondou was also able to find all of Meta Given's family history on Ancestry.com and other websites.

Meta Given's timeline is listed on the back of the biography.

Please join Danette Bishop Mondou in wishing Meta Given a Happy 131st Birthday!





Thursday, January 3, 2019

This day in history January 4th 

I believe the book must have been - "The Art of Modern Cooking and Better Meals" which Meta Given edited and enlarged in the 1930s.

I am always uncovering new information about Meta Given - the newspapers.com website is constantly adding new papers and pages.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

This day in history...

Meta Given wrote an article in various newspapers just about every day staring in 1939 until 1949.  Meta Given was a syndicated columnist writing for newspapers across this nations from New York to California.  She was one of the most famous Home Economists of her day.  She picked up the torch where Ellen Swallow Richards (the mother of Home Economics) left off in 1911 when died in March.  Meta Given was still working as a teacher while simultaneously gong to Normal School #2 in Warrensburg, Missouri.

Hard Boiled Eggs

HARD-BOILED EGGS 21st Century!   I usually do my hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes first I put cold water in a pan then I place the eggs in us...