Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hard Boiled Eggs

HARD-BOILED EGGS 21st Century!


I usually do my hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes first I put cold water in a pan then I place the eggs in usually a dozen then I put it on the heat, and I turn it on high it takes about 10 minutes to bring it up to a boil. Then what I do is turn off the heat and let them sit for 10 minutes that gives me a 10 minute hard-boiled egg if you want less like a 3 minute you would just do 3 minutes I just watched a game changer for hard boiled eggs I saw a woman put a dozen eggs in a muffin tin or six or whatever and she baked them at 3:50 for three for 30 minutes.

What I have done is I have a pampered chef crock pot with a cover and a nice rubber holder I put water in so it more than covered 2 eggs I turned on the timer for one minute at 50 power then I repeated what I did before which was one minute 50 power. I took the eggs out and opened one it was completely raw so I took the second egg that was still in the crock pot and put it into the microwave and did it one minute at a time on high twice during the second minute at about 27 seconds I heard a pop or an explosion I went over turned the microwave off by 33 seconds left then I took the egg out and opened it and while it wasn't a perfect 10 minute egg by the time I was done with putting a little butter on it and crushing it up I had the perfect 10 minute boiled egg.

Next time when I do it I will do it for two one-minute full powers with the two eggs and if I hear a pop I'll go stop it that should be your 10-minute egg.

Just to give pampered chef a plug even though they haven't asked for it I used their egg cooking item in the microwave which is meant for poached eggs so I found it quite interesting to use this and I was inspired by the young lady in the video who cooked them in the oven for 30 minutes set at 350 degrees and I also sent her a little star because I thought she deserved that.


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Meta Given Biography on EBAY 

Meta Given's Biography
Author, Journalist, Editor,
Home Economist, Photographer,
Consultant, Syndicated Columnist,
Teacher, Scientist

Get your copy today with no shipping
Signed by the Author!

Get your Hardcover signed here!

Happy Birthday to Meta Given
January 25, 1888

This is a new biography about Meta Given
Written by Danette Mondou.  The author has signed your original limited first edition. Only 25 copies left.  Please send a message if you want more information regarding this item.

Meta Given wrote "Modern Family" (1942) and "Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking" (1947).

She also wrote thousands of newspaper articles.  This book gives details about her life, information about her cookbooks as well as her life and times from 1888 - 1981.

Don't miss this especially important new biography about a woman forgotten in history.  That would be like no one interested in Julia Child today or forgetting about Rachel Ray - we need more people to write about women who made a significant importance in our lives - like Meta Given.  You will learn her middle name, the newspapers she wrote for and so much more information.

Do you know where Meta Given was born, where she lived, or worked?

These are all answered in the book.  Meta Given made a difference to the Greatest Generation who won a war and produced the Baby Boomers.  Without Meta Given's important cookbooks, we would not have been as healthy as we were through the 1940's-1970's.  Think about how healthy we would be if we went back to the basics and how much richer we would be if we listened to Meta Given's wise counsel about the economics of eating healthy.

You can read all about it in this especially important biography.  With only 125 hard copies of this book, you will have an unbelievably valuable book.  There will never be any more hardcovers.  Sure, you can get the paperbacks on Amazon and Kindle. But this is a piece of history.  This book is only one of 125 copies.  There will never be another printing.  When these are gone, they will be gone.  Currently there are only about 25 copies left. Get yours today!  Don't Delay! This is a great Gift for a loved one or even yourself! 

*******Get yours today!*******

*******Don't Delay!*******

*******Makes a great Gift!*******

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Meta Given 


by Danette Bishop Mondou

Here's a little history as to why I wrote a biography.  In 2011, my mother and I were talking about Meta Given.  We were musing about who was she and did she do more than write my mother's favorite Cookbook.

I started this blog - I called it something obscure - because It was more about her cookbook the Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking she wrote and published in 1947 when she was 59 years old. (She is one person who proved that you are never too old and never to late to accomplish your goals.)

I could not find much about her initially.  There were some articles about people asking about her recipes and published articles about her recipes.  There was this great blog by Sandy's Chatter who wrote about Meta Given.  There was speculation on her blog about Meta Given also.  She had a little bit of information - but mostly that which was her own experience and the cookbook. Not much else. Then one of Sandy's fans provided a website about an article that Jane Nickerson wrote in the 1970s which led to a 1980s article.

Note: Jane Nickerson was an early New York Times Food Editor in the 1940s-1950s.  Jane had retired from the New York Times and ended up in Florida.  In the 1970s both Meta Given and Jane were in Florida.  They came together at a contest.

From there Jane decided to interview Meta Given which was great for me, as it confirmed my belief that Meta Given had a full life of various careers and experiences  in her lifetime. 

From this article I was able to learn about Meta Given from Meta Given's own word as relayed by Jane Nickerson.  This article opened up a flood gate of information about Meta Given that I was able to figure out - which allowed me to find information through google books, google newspapers, and so much more.

At first I was only going to do a bio piece in my blog, but my mother was not sure if I could actually publish a public article about Meta Given without permission.

So I did not publish the bio piece I had done.  Instead, by 2013 I decided to write her biography.  Within a year Wikipedia had a short article about Meta Given, that was not out there prior to my research.  I was very worried that someone would beat me to writing her biography - after all there are people scouring the internet for great material. While many people may not think this information is all that interesting - however I believed that the 70 million baby boomers had grown up on cookbook authors just like Meta Given.  There were about 4 million copies of Meta Given's cookbooks and brochures or booklets sold by Meta Given.

July 13, 2013 - I started Researching my book about Meta Given.  The research was slow until I found the Sandy's Chatter blog.  Her articles gave me all kinds of information about her life - the most important thing was the web site that house the article by Jane Nickerson of the 1970s interview.  Meta Given had been interviewed many times over the years - lucky for me. While I was researching Meta Given's life story, I also researched the following subjects:

How to write a biography - good luck finding anything on the internet in 2013

Copyright law - great stuff including a free class at MIT

Copyrights that Meta Given owned - Stanford University did a great project

Meta Given's Transcript from U of Chicago - Thanks for helping me obtain - While I have purchased an annual subscription to this newspaper website since 2013 - it has been worth every penny I paid for the subscription.

google books and google newspapers - thank for providing the information you did about Meta Given - including the Peterson Teachers - school documentation

On and on I can go gushing about the internet's assistance in helping me research Meta Given's life story.  Herstory would not have been possible without the use of the internet at the time I was writing this book.  I worked full-time as a Database Administrator for a helicopter company in the Hartford, CT area.  (That's a whole other story.)

I figured I put in about 25 hours a week for 5 years to research, write and rewrite this book.  That's a lot for a part-time job that was not actually going to pay me anything but a project that I fully funded.  Including the payment of website subscriptions. Computers, keyboards, headsets, books that I could not find in libraries and of course books, booklets, etc. that Meta Given had written.  I own about 10 of Meta Given's books, booklets, etc.  

I just sold a copy of Meta Given's Cookbook written in 1947,(PUBLSHED date) with a copy of her biography..  I am trying to off load some of these books, as I don't need them any more.  I have two favorite books with 2 copies of each - the rest I will either give away with a copy of her book or at talks that I will be giving in the future.

When I first started my research of Meta Given on the internet and especially on, there was very little but over time that number increased.  I noticed today that there are about 14,868 article in  When I started it was under 9,000. I realize that not all articles are about her - but most are and there are about 500 that are the wrote wording or given or meta (like meta data) then her numbers have still rose over the years.

I was 57 years old when I started this adventure (another case for your are never too old and it is never too late.)   I found myself publishing the book at the age of 62.  I remember when I decided I was publishing in August of 2018.  There seemed to be a race to the end.  I have to say I should have sent the book to the editor again.  I did re-edit the book, but there were still problems - not sure why some things - but I was able to fix the paperback and kindle - the hardcover is what it is - but I look at other books - some very famous with errors - so I feel I am in good company.

If you are thinking of writing a book or blog - my recommendation to you is just do it.

Here are a few hints:

1. Research every day you can

2. keep a journal or write everyday - by the way you can use an app that converts words to text.

3. research should include how to write, how to research, any laws or rules that my have something to do with your subject.

4. I know they tell you do an outline - I just couldn't do that - but I recommend do what works for you

5. Some people write until they reach a designated goal - that writing 10000 words a day or something ridiculous like that.  - for me some days I only wrote about 50 words and other days I wrote 10 or more pages.

6. document and save all your research - try to find some kind of organization that works for you

7. Fiction is different than non-fiction. I found that my non-fiction book kind of wrote itself.  Many times after research, I could write for hours as I recalled what I had researched.

People have to do what works for them regarding writing their own book - but don't be intimidated and never give up. Find someone who will help - by reading your work, to talk about the subject 

One of the things I loved most about the process was learning about new things. New things about Meta Given, copyright law, how to write a biography and the one thing that I learned was write everyday.  While I may not have followed that advice about writing everyday and the number of words written each day - I wrote a book.  You can say anything you want - I wrote a book!

A quote my mother said to me for years was "if you write a page a day for a year, after 365 days you will have enough for a book."  I did that for a year and while I had enough for a book - she left out the part that you need to know your research, you have to edit, re-edit until you practically have the thing memorized.

14868 - number of articles.

14967 - number of articles as of 8/29/2021 and counting

Friday, August 27, 2021



Sexy, imagination, growth

Economy is always having it's issues about every 10 years or so.  We all know about difficulties, heartbreaks, growth, accomplishments. Every person I have ever met or read about has all of these and so much more. Sometimes we leave things out when writing a book because we are concerned about our perceptions - not of ourselves, but of others judging us and we all do it.  Many of us can't admit it or even realize we are doing.

Every employer does it, every co-worker does it, every family member does it - but it's a dirty little secret. One we use against each other to gain power, fame, wealth. However, we could still have all of our integrity if we looked at the positive of our fellow human race - I prefer chocolate to - very few people are this or that - they are many things and most of all trying to make a living, so they and their family do not have to live without.

Meta Given lived in a world much the same as we experience today.  She was a woman, and women did not belong in business, positions of power, out in public when pregnant. We progressively moved into acceptance of this latter behavior.  Meta Hortense Given (MHG) knew all about that power. 

Her first career was Teaching which she started at 14. She had finished the 8th grade. She was eligible to take the Elementary/Grammar School grades level. It was thought in the day that if you had taken the class then you could teach the class.  Eventually, with women getting public educations, instead of private or home schooled they began to thrust for more, hence the "Normal" School which began to spring up from the east coast to the west and everywhere in-between. 79% of the normal school participants were women. A portion of those women went on the Colleges and Universities where they could get accepted and eventually all female colleges began to spring up.
MHG was one of those women who sought more and more education and they were not afraid to augment education by being an autodidact like Leonardo da Vinci's got nothing on us. She got a full education about home duties as toting the water, planting and tending the garden, crop gathering for the home garden as well as the farm business harvest. She had a younger sister so she knew about taking care of children, and she could manage food like a chef. 

At the age of 9 Meta H. Given cooked a meal for her father and the farm hands as they were bringing in the crop. During one of their trips, they managed to run over a turkey which MHG proceeded to make into roast turkey. 

Now this particular chore requires a whole lot more information than they turned it into roast turkey, don't you think? I know I believe it deserves its own chapter. Someone or somehow a turkey is killed, usually it is by someone, and they use a bullet possible buckshot from a shotgun. Walking to and from the place where the birds are, then usually the home keeper prepares the bird by bleeding, gutting, defeather and cut up into the proper quarters so the meat is determined by white and dark (as the dark is the juiciest) but for some reason people prefer the white and try all kinds of cookery tricks to make it juicy and tender.

Even still hunting is a whole subject unto itself. I have never hunted personally, but I do know how to fire a rifle .22 or .33. 

Anyway, I wrote MHG's biography and there is so much detail in the book, it is recommended to get the book either free off Amazon Kindle unlimited, or Amazon Paperback and there is also the Hardcover which is selling currently on E-bay with one of her cookbooks "Modern Family" 1942.

Thursday, May 27, 2021



META GIVEN was born in the Ozarks of Missouri to James Henry and Eliza Ann (Lacy) Given. She was their first daughter.


META GIVEN stayed in Missouri going to school and teaching throughout the early 1900s from 1902-1922. She went to Normal School #2 in Warrensburg, MO around 1910-1912.

Then, from 1914-1927 she attended the University of Chicago a coeducational university.

From 1925-1930 she worked at the Evaporated Milk Association as the first Director of Home Economics. From 1930-1931 she was the food editor for the Chicago Tribune working on the columns called "Tribune Cook Book" and "Food Talk" with her own byline.

There are only two papers that hold her obituaries one placed at the time of her death in the "Lakeland Ledger" in 1981 when she died and one placed in the Chicago Tribune placed their by Danette Bishop Mondou the author of Meta Given's Biography called My Time with Meta Given."


*********Kindle AMAZON_KINDLE_MG ***************


************HARDCOVER EBAY**************


*********MAKES A GREAT GIFT*********

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



JANUARY 25, 2021
























Thursday, November 26, 2020







Hard Boiled Eggs

HARD-BOILED EGGS 21st Century!   I usually do my hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes first I put cold water in a pan then I place the eggs in us...